Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, English & Mathematics

Web Development Courses

This section is all about web development. There are 3 courses HTML, CSS and JavaScript.



    HTML is short for Hyper Text Markup language.
    HTML is used to create websites.

    Learn HTML >>


    CSS is short for Cascading Style Sheets.
    CSS is used to style everything about HTML.
    CSS Makes HTML (websites) beautiful or pretty.

    Learn CSS >>


    JavaScript is used to manipulate HTML and CSS to add functionality.
    JavaScript is a programming language.

    Learn JavaScript >>

programming communities

The importance of Developer Communities

When you just start learning how to code. You’ll get into errors all the time.
Programming communities help you learn from others, ask questions correctly, make connections and more.
Googling always isn’t enough.
There are programmers and developers online and offline everywhere.

Here are some online places you can join
* Facebook coding groups
*Twitter gurus
* Free Code Camp forums
* Mobile coding apps
* reddit

The list is endless. Just pick as much as you want.
But I personally love Facebook groups for that.

English and Math Courses

In this section, you can learn English and Math. Currently there are 2 English courses and 1 Math course.



    This English Course is for low-level beginners.
    You’ll start learning English with the alphabet and move on gradually.

    Learn English >>


    English Idioms are an important part of daily English.
    An idiom is a phrase or expression that can’t be understood by its separate words.
    So the meaning must be learned as a whole.

    Learn Idioms >>


    In this Math course, you’ll learn Arithmetic.
    Arithmetic is Basic Math.
    You’ll learn counting, numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, place value and more.

    Learn Math >>